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This may be premature, but... I think I may be in the beginning stages of a relationship. As I've shared here before, it has been a long time, and I've only had one "real" relationship in my life which resulted in a decade long marriage and ultimately, divorce.
At my last f2f meeting the topic was trust. I spent much of my youth obsessed with trust. When I found that my alcoholic father was not capable of doing the things he should have done, or said he would do, I developed a burning distrust of most people. I took the term very literally and harshly, to the point that any violation of my *expectations* meant a violation of trust.
Through my program and growth I've learned to get along with most of the world, most of the time. I have stopped looking for some perfect person that I can trust 100%, or the perfect job, etc. I have generally reduced the importance of absolute trust to a non-issue most days. As someone said at the meeting, "Trust God, love people".
But as you all know, I've dodged the issue of trusting a person in an intimate relationship by simply avoiding intimate relationships. Not always on purpose, but since my divorce, no relationship has ever gotten off the ground. In my latest round of one-date blowoffs, I've recognized a few mistakes and corrected them - the mistake being, I think, revealing too much too soon. But it weeds out the tire kickers that's for sure... LOL. Which, up to now, has weeded out _everybody_.
My latest prospect is much more communicative, definitely warming up, planning our next get-together. My very limited past experience is that things move very, very fast. Within the next few days, this relationship will go to the next level -- or it will be over. That's the entire sum of my experience... one that went to the next level, and the next, and the next, in rapid succession... and dozens that went to over... poof. I don't want it to go quite so fast. I've expressed it, and she agrees with me, but we may have very different meanings for "taking it slow".
If the relationship fizzles out because of who I am, then so be it - that's the way it should be. I just don't want it to fizzle out because of a tactical dumbass mistake on my part... and as I've experienced before, sometimes being too cautious can actually BE the tactical dumbass mistake. So what does this have to do with alcoholism? Everything... although I'm sure non-alcoholics go through a similar thought process.
I'm posting this mainly to collect my thoughts. I know the answer is... Trust God, Love People. Easier said than done, but it takes a lifetime of practice. I know how people jump into relationships, but at the same time, I know it takes me as much as a YEAR to get to know someone, to truly feel comfortable with them. Even my ex-wife. We knew each other for well over a year before we became an "item". To be quite honest, I didn't learn much about her during that year - but I did become very comfortable around her, and some natural attraction formed that took precedence over knowledge. Now here I am, middle aged and seeing another middle aged, experienced person - probably both of us focusing on the knowledge aspect (although retaining how much, I don't know!) and I'm worried that if her attraction kicks in before mine is ready and up to speed, I could be caught in a very awkward position.
Then again, in 72 hours or so, it could all be a moot point and I'd be back talking about the joys of single life, and how trust is a non-issue. If so, there might be some temporary sadness but... it would be comfortable and familiar. The unknown is always more scary. And this is one area of my life where my resume consists of 2 dozen small failures and one large failure. But then again... that too has a certain cozy familiarity to it.
My sentiments exactly... seems like you're putting the cart before the horse which I often do as well. I would just try to enjoy what there is and not worry about what's to come. Funny, I don't worry about messing up I worry about getting screwed over or being disappointed. I try not to assume anything and just roll with it. I had a date last weekend, went really well mostly I think because I had NO expectations, not even that he would show up. The usual me would be sitting by the window waiting for him to drive up. The new me already had a plan B.
There was a book I read recently "He's Just Not That Into You." Totally changed my prospective on the M/F relationship cycle. Also gave me permission to stop beating myself up when the guy I thought was so "all that" and was so "gonna make me happy" had the speed of a garden slug. Yeah... If ever you want a direct prospective on relationships, its a great, and bittersweet read. Self honesty is required.
carolinagirl wrote: My sentiments exactly... seems like you're putting the cart before the horse which I often do as well. I would just try to enjoy what there is and not worry about what's to come. Funny, I don't worry about messing up I worry about getting screwed over or being disappointed. I try not to assume anything and just roll with it. I had a date last weekend, went really well mostly I think because I had NO expectations, not even that he would show up. The usual me would be sitting by the window waiting for him to drive up. The new me already had a plan B.
I guess whether it's the cart or the horse leading, it's uncharted territory either way. I am not really as analytical as I come across, but I've found that as I've stumbled around all these never-quite-relationships, I am pretty clueless as to the why part. Or rather the why not part. I realize the outcome is in God's hands, but at the same time, I treat each non-outcome as a learning experience, and sometimes I don't think I've learned anything - other than to keep re-inforcing the notion that "nobody wants me". So far, that has been 100% true.
The nature of online dating is such that contact can be terminated with the click of a mouse and no explanation. It's convenient and painless, but not very educational for the one on the receiving end. When it gets past that point, then it's more normal but - still, I've only had one 2nd date. I feel like I'm supposed to be learning to fly a fighter jet by making paper airplanes. When things begin to look up, as they are right now, I really have no experience with the next move. I'm clueless! I need her to take the lead somewhat, and that's part of my compatibility need... I'm not a wolf. That's ok. I don't want to scare her off by howling... but I don't want to put her off by NOT howling. In other words... I'm clueless. Oh yeah, I already said that... LOL.
If for nothing else, I got quite a kick out of your post. You seem to be going through the thought process which is wonderful. I can see all the wheels turning.
For me, being middle aged (ugh), I just like to have fun and laugh a lot, someone who understands, even someone from program is awesome because we talk the same language.
I admire you for being you, not being a wolf and being cool with it.
Keep us posted, Maria
If I am not for me, who will be? If I am only for myself, then who am I? If not now, when?
I relate to many of your feelings you express so well....I find it strange to be a certain age and feeling like a beginner...I had only had one 16 year long relationship before I met my alchoholic that I am in recovery myself, I see my relationship behavior/patterns almost as if I am seeing for the first time. What helps me?....Take it easy on yourself. Don't worry about putting her off by howling or not....just be how you feel.....TRUST YOURSELF....remember to find that place in your own soul that connects with god and move from there....want yourself.....when I remember those things for me, it makes loving/learning/trusting someone else soooo much easier. Good luck. Have fun. I think you are brave for doing this! Love, fifi
Here is what helps me. No expectations of what is to be. And let go of my old ways of thinking. Things from my past may have happened 100 times over....but I cannot predict with 100% accuracy, it will happen that way again. Also, I can judge myself for who I was in the past and relate it to who I am today. There has been a dramatic change in my life that has changed my ways of saying and doing things. I am not dealing with the same person I once dealt with. A couple of months ago, I was beside myself because I broke down and cried over something. Since then. it has happened more than once. I was more shocked than anything else. Tonight, at an AA meeting, I figured it out. The speaker said, he was either happy or angry...never in between. Since coming in the program....he finds moments of sadness (Deaths, life events, etc). The first time it happened...he didn't know what it was. Neither did I. My relationship have changed as well. I never realized how uncaring I was before the program (in a relationship). Not today.
One step at a day at a time. Rule #62 Don't take yourself too damn seriously......that rule makes me laugh...because I can take myself real, real serious and in the grand scheme of is life altering....just part of life, and I wasted precious energy that could have gone into more important things.
Well my goodness, if you feel like howling, howl away! That's what I say. Let go of inhabitions, and just be you, not the 'you' you think she wants you to be, but the 'you' that is you
I think I speak for many women when I say that we don't want to take the lead in a relationship. Well OK I speak for myself. But anyway what am I talking about I had to ask my husband out on our first date, but after that I didn't want to lead. So be cool, be suave and channel your inner 'wolf' LOL. Take care, and yes TRUST is a biggie, but it's just a second date
Just wanted to say I'm sending out best wishes & good thoughts for the "2nd" date - hope that it goes well. Hope that you & she have a great time together.
As you have said, Keep taking care of you - venting your feelings on this & doing the Next right thing - I'm sure your HP will take care of the rest.
No matter what me and my God are going to be ok, even better than OK -