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here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Background... A's mother was also A and in recovery for 20+ years. She still lies and is VERY manipulative. Always the martyr... I have always helped everyone and now noone will help me... She was also my best friend for many years.
Situation: Last night a friend of their family (who I have met once) calls me to say he'll pay the money for the bond if I sign for A. I tell him no I don't want him out. We get into a long discussion about his sad childhood, bla bla bla. He says he doesn't want his mom to know...I say o trust me she knew before I did. He is surprised. Then he asks the charges. I tell him AND I say this happens over and over again him going to jail getting bailed, doing stupid crap etc. She calls while I'm on the phone with this guy. I call her back and she acts like she doesn't know this guy called me (no way the A knows his number) I know she told the A to call him. I say he thought you didn't know and she says you didn't tell him did you? and I say YES and she is immediately hostile on the phone. Then she says you didn't say what he was there for did you and I say yes and all this other stuff too. She was enraged. Then I said got caught up in your own BS again didn't u. I have confronted her about lying before. She says yes and suddenly has to go. I lecture her about rescuing and tell her she of all people should know better as an A. She blames herself for his disease and I remind her he's 40. She plays the martyr role constantly. She tells certain people certain things and says not to talk to this person or that person or don't tell them this or that. I just tell the truth all the time saves me the headache and she knows this. So here's my problem.
I started thinking about why I continue to communicate with her and realize that she was my rescue buddy, she was always there for me when he would disappear and it would seem like the end of the world. She has been the only friend I had many times. Now her behavior and attitude are becoming a problem for me. I don't like the lies and the manipulation and the constant martyr behavior she does. I am considering cutting off communication with her totally. I'm not really sure what we have to talk about besides her son and I believe she cares more about him than me and the kids (including her grandson). Any ESH on dealing with this or NOT dealing with it?
Any way to cut down your communciation with her, rather than cut it off all together? I find that I can put up with a little of someone's BS, as long as it's not too often, or too long. You're already doing well at keeping boundaries - refusing to lie - so making a few more might be possible. It would be a shame to cut her off from grandkids, on both sides.
Hi! To tell the truth, you sound like you handled her pretty well, better than I woud have. I would cut communication with her but think of it more as "talk to you later" andthe later can be the later kind of later. I agree, I wouldn't want to cut the grandkids off either. Maybe a daytrip every now and then. Jamie
I'm like a pinch of tea...put me in hot water and see how strong I can be.
I cut all communication with the A's mother for a while. I don't know that it helped that much. I just looked like I was the who couldn't handle anything.
I think its pretty normal in recovery to discover that people one had hailed as saviors are actually pretty dysfunctional. I'm have my disillusion moment.
The more recovery I get the more I see life around any A is very very difficult. Different peole have different levels of toxicity with it. I have known people with lots of recovery who were totally codependent, others are not. Some people address their codpendence some don't. There are lots of stories in AA meetings of the chaos around any addict/alcholic who goes out. Some people in AA totally drop those who go out, some don't.
I know for me living with an alcoholic there will always be chaos. The A I live with has no worked for a long time. I know he had a little money. He has work he just doesn't go on it. That used to be meltdown time for me. I believe he is incredibly selfish. I am no longer willing to meltdown for him though. He looks for work but not much. He just sits around plays games, feels sorry for himself, dreams, and does nothing. I used to try to control him, try to "make" him be responsible. He would tantrum over that, make me out to be the person who was hindering him and more. Now I just don't do anything much. I will of course if he doesn't pay the rent. I am not getting into why he should pay his bills or do whatever he needs to. It is his life.
I also used to speak to his friends about his moods and more. Last night a friend who he works with came over to offer him work. That would have been cue for me to say something in the past. I said nothing. Its up to the A to sort out his life. I'm through being mother, rescuer and more. They are great great sources of chaos. We can join them in the chaos or we can step out. I think stepping out takes practice. Obviously we want to lessen the effect on us. I will be absolutely furious if the a doesn't pay the rent. That's his side of the street.
I just keep working on my side of the street. I stopped the behaviors. I stop the interfering, controlling, manipulating, pleading, trying to make him be a person who holds up their end of a partnership. I just focus on me.
That's new for me. I practice it every day sometimes better than others. I set limits. I say no. I say nothing much beyond that. If the A wants to spend his life playing video games he can now. He just has to pay his side of the bills for now.
moving forward.... to finding ways to feel peace o f mind. relating ...... from my own experience , strength and hope. i know its alright to takke my time, be gentle with my self. take a deep breathe and let it goooooooooo. let hp have it. i let myself .. sometimes make my self step back and turn away from " it." i let myself get busy. here at my house, its easy to find something to do. to get busy (there is always something "to do.") to re-direct my train of thought, not grab onto .... too let it goooo on by me.
also, i know i can let myself relax a bit. of it all. i deserve a moment, a minute or ten (haahaa) .. well, to get my bearings and find my "attitude," minding its ok and i want it to be ((UP)) lol. even if i have to work at it abit to convince myself its ok. i do try now. with alanons tools. with holding tight to believing it can be a good day. Even if those around me dont want one. i still can. with ..... just with me. ((((with my HP/God))))) support and friends that understand me (that support me) and that want and also feel for themselves a need for a positive healthy life, helps. And in time does bring about a change in the element of the house. a good one. a healthy one (for me) for the children, for my family.... ..... did i say; for Me?
((cg)) your here.... here. your doing great! keep on workin' IT! love your es&h. keep coming back. your friend in recovery, so glad your here!!
i believe that alanon can and i see that it does., *Help Keep Looking uP! (((carolinagirl))) WORK IT Work it Work iT
It occurs to me the lady may have relapsed herself; time in AA becomes an ego pole after awhile and somehow people with long term sobriety feel as if, should they relapse, they can't come back. It's too humiliating. They die of their disease rather than humble themselves to the solution. It also occurs to me she would rather sacrifice you to the community than be straight with anyone about the real situation about her family. How could some one with so much sobriety be such a disaster as a mother? Well, the truth is, you can sit around in meetings, talk big game, and be absolutely no recovery at all. It happens more than you think. Think about my mom: she's been sober 20 years and she blames me for my father's alcholism Pray for her. Pity her. SHe's miserable She hates herself. She blames herself. She's also physically exhausted--remember all the years when you tried to present to the world that everything was a ok? Well, do that for the entire span of your sobriety.
Small note...His mom is in Reno, we are in North Carolina and she has not seen the grandbaby for a couple years! So I'm just working on making a family of choice rather than counting on distant family of origin!