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to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I have been married to my husband for 28 years. His alcohol abuse has always been a big problem for me. After all these years of him treating me like crap I am filing for divorce. My question to you is, How do I find myself again? For years I became the person who made the least amount of waves so he wouldn't get angry. I became just as sick as he is in his thinking. I believed him all the times he told me it was my fault he drank so much, it was my fault he tried to strangle me, it was my fault he hit me and kicked me. He made me feel worthless and made me feel like I didn't deserve any better than this sucky marriage and life. He controlled everything in my life but then would get angry that I was so dependant on him! So now, I will be free of him, but I am not free of this sick thinking. Is there anyone here who survived these circumstances and learned to stand on their own two feet? How did you do it? I am excited to get my life back but terrified at the same time. Any advice would be appreciated.
Welcome to the MIP family. Here you find great experience, strength, hope, wisdom and just a bit of humor (good for the ). You are not alone in your journey of recovery, as you have taken the first step by coming here. Alanon will give you many great tools to help you. Look for some local face to face (f2f) meetings in your area. Start reading everything you can about your recovery: One Day at A Time. We have a great resource list here for books. Come join us in our chat rooms for our online meetings or join us for chat other times. There is always someone here for you. Go back and read some of the old posts here. They are filled with great things. You will learn much from them.
Take the time (as hard as it may be) to look around you and see the beauty of your state. Be extra good to yourself as you deserve it. Some how, some way, on this journey of recovery we do find light at the other end. The always comes out, even on our darkest days. Keep coming back to us.
Love and blessings to you and your family.
Live strong, Karilynn & Pipers Kitty <--- the cat
It's your life. Take no prisoners. You will have it your way.
Well I can tell you being here in this room is a great great gift. It is accessible. The chat feature sometimes is and sometimes isn't. The meetings here are phenomenal and I would highly recommend them.
I read and did a lot of work on love addiction that was and still is one of the components in my relationships. I found Pia Melody's book on that to be illuminating. I also read as much as I could lay my hands on about codependency. One seminal book for me was People Pleasing by Harriet Braiker. I found that incredible but I still didnt' change my behavior for a long time.
I can't say enough about how useful I find this room and posting here. I also find it useful to work the 12 steps in other programs love addiction, spending and other areas that I have issue with. Nevertheless at the moment I spend most of my time here. There are numerous places on the web to find resources, experiment, look at groups, find ones where you feel comfortable. Be prepared not to find all the answers but some of them
(((Welcome)) MIP is really a wonderful place. a safe place. the people are all very supportive. you are with others that understand you as no one else can. So glad your here.
For direct help contact the Alanon hotline: 888-425-2666. For Alanon meetings in your area: 1-800-351-9996 *one other meeting information number: 800-433-7266.
There is group meetings / chat room on this website., link at top left yellow box. I love the meetings held here!
Alanons ~ First step; is to admitting your powerless over alcohol. that life was/is unmanageable. Step2 .....came to believe that a power greater than yourself can restore you to sanity. Step 3~ ..... made a decision to turn your will and your life over to the care of God, as you understand him.
these three steps are a great beginning... a good foundation, for a wonderful change inyour life. its time to get some good books to read and get busy. its time for "You." Time to take care of yourself.
you can do it. All of us share here~ our experience, strength and hope (es&h.) you will find lots of good reading here too. Keep coming back ~ Keep looking uP! One Day at a Time. One minute, one moment ~ if need be. there is hope. there is support. you found it!!
Hi there, I would recommend any books written by Melody Beattie. I started with "Codependent No More" and have read everything else she has written. Also, this site has helped me so much in the short time I have been here. Explore the postings and on-line chat rooms. Good luck to you on this new journey!