it is five in the morning and i just woke up.
my fingers are groping at the keyboard in foggy, heavy, sleepy disbelief.
several lyears ago i was told,
''pay attention to your dreams.''
just before i woke up i was dreaming,
the word helichrysum kind of flashing in my brain and the thought the *heart, the heart, it has something to do with the heart.*
i got up and looked it up in a healing the spirit book.
''helichrysum has a special purpose for
the walking wounded -those who cannot reminisce for fear of the painful emotions that maybe remembered.
helichrysum's spiritual purpose is to make sure self expsure is safe. it cannot heal the past, nor protect the *heart* from future hurt.
it allws a person to understand that to love truly also invoves the acceptance of the pain of love - gladly,willingly,and without compromise.''
emotional healing traits for encourage calm, acceptance, ''dreams'', patience, persaverance, inner strength, and awareness.
what does this all mean..........,
five in the morning is not the time to analyse this. i am going back to bed.