Trusting the process
It's been so long since I worked the 12 Steps, I had forgotten the hidden things they can bring up. I was of course, focusing on all the things that were driving me crazy when I came back into Al-anon. Those things that are buried, bring up pain, embarrassment,anxiety and all sorts of just yuk surfaced!...
fears and dealing with my mother
I just want to share and leave this here that I have a lot of fear surrounding the coming transition. I have to speak to our land lord today. I am ready to pay the lease as long as it takes to find a new tennant and I want to uphold my contractual obligations but I am fearful about him being angry at me and I stil...
sorry about the business section mistake
I am very sorry about trying something new that I didn't know I did & appreciate Betty for drawing attention to it. It was so nice of her to mention in a post. I am so grateful that pencil have erasers. Much more to post about my mom. She is out the hands of the county we live in & probably won't be seen...
Hoot Nanny
New Year update
I havnt seen my XAH in 2 years. Yet I use Alanon principles everyday. I love and live with a wonderful guy who happens to be a hoarder and has his share of anxiety and feelings of inadequacy. It is a challenging relationship and we have the usual misunderstandings. However, at the beginning we set rules o...
Nowhere to go
I haven't posted in awhile, but have been attending meetings when I can, though do not yet have a sponsor. For awhile I thought I was gaining some ground, but am starting to wonder if I was just kidding myself. The holiday was a bad one for me with family scattered across the country, the anniversary of my...
How to deal with a alcoholic parent who has an untreated traumatic brain injury?
Hello, Recently my mom moved back to the state she is from. She is now with her sisters and brothers and parents. I recently got married and I live in the same state too, just trying to finish my last semester of university. I am struggling because my mom causes me a lot of stress. She has always had an issue...
Jan 7 Hope for Today
Good morning everyone- I hope you are all are warm and comfortable... the temp in my corner of the world is currently a balmy -7 Fahrenheit:) Todays reading is a focus on our saying about the three Cs: I didnt cause it, I cant control it, and I cant cure it. I have always appreciated the message of this sayi...
C2C, 1/8
Let go and let God: Today's reading talks about the empowerment we can truly feel, when we accept that we are powerless over the alcoholic and all her problems. The writer understood that his alcoholic had her own Higher Power, and that HP and the A could work out her life circumstances. The writer...
Parenting 101
Very long 72 hours, there have been lots of arguments, crying, and tantrums (oddly enough not from me!!). I sure did pull from my tool box and really tried to focus on the fact we didn't know anything until Thursday. At the moment my kid has lost adult status. I do not believe that just because someone...
It's not being done "to" me
This is a truism that keeps coming back to me in cycles throughout my recovery. I get so caught up in what is going on around me in my job, personal life and other areas (mostly job these days), that I forget none of my hardships are really things being done "to" me so that I can suffer. None of my challenge...
I'm here----been sick
Hi!! and belated Happy New Year!!! Well I began the new year with the flu...congestion/infected sinuses and chest...I was thrashed.....Feeling a bit better each day, but its slow... I could complain, feel like the victim, feel like "oh another bad year" but EVERYONE I know has either gotten it or...
Making decisions?
Hi friends, I wanted to ask your ESH about making decisions early on in recovery. I know that it is advised not to make major decisions during the first 6 months of recovery. Unfortunately, I don't think I am going to get that choice. I am going to have to make some decisions, because my husband has bee...
1 step forward, 2 steps back
Sitting with something that happened. I thought I would share, see what I get back... So last Friday evening, my spouse called me at work from rehab. I did not answer as I can't while I am at work. The message was that he got some official kind of document and he had all these questions about what it was. He a...
struggling with 'higher power'
Hi guys, I've been reading the step one to al anon. I fully agree that alcoholism is a disease, has affected me and my family in many ways which are negative and that I cannot control or change my A. However, I'm struggling with the higher power bit. When I was young I went extremely spiritual and after...
ODAT Reading 1-6-2018
The ODAT reading for January 6.reminds us that attending Al-Anon meetings helps us to see that we are not alone and that others have problems that are equally as difficult. When we begin to realize that others have problems more difficult than our own, and are facing them with courage and confiden...
when to try couples counseling
My husband is an addict (alcohol and opiates). He's yet to truly go into recovery. He's trying - has some white knuckle periods - but nothing too much more than that. I've been in regular individual therapy regarding this for approx. 3 years now. We've discussed couple's therapy - he and I. I k...
Newbie introduction
Hello everyone - been reading lots of posts from lots of people on lots of forums lately. You all seem like such a warm and welcoming group that I thought Iād jump in and introduce myself. Iām still pretty new to practicing the mindset that Alanon prescribes but I can already tell a difference in my life....
Post moved from the Business section Posting from Hoot Nanny
Page 1 of 1 sorted by Oldest FirstNewest First Hoot Nanny ~*Service Worker*~ Status: OfflinePosts: 1425Date: 2h agoIP:'s in jail again plus 32 years in al anonPermalink Reply Quote More I am again posting that my mom is in jail. Maybe I didn't post this before it has been a...
Anger and resentment
I have not posted in awhile but need to vent. I am very familiar with the Alanon program and try my best to work it. However, My anger and resentment are taking a major hold on me. My 54 year old alcoholic sister is living with my 80 year old mother. I live next door to my mother and witness so much enabling and...
Courage to Change 1/5/17
Today's reading discusses compassion, enabling and motives. The writer thought it was defined by making excuses for the alcoholic or covering for them when bad choices were made. We learn that this is enabling instead of compassion and that when we clean up the consequences of alcoholic behavio...
Not sure what to make of this
Just got a message from our cell provider that my AH is tracking my phone! What in the actual heck?! Iām totally thrown by this. First, he has zero reason to suspect me of cheating. ZERO. Iām an all-in kind of woman. When I made my commitment to him, that was it. Unless divorce or death divides us, there wil...
Hi, in new
Hi everyone I'm new here. I'm very much at the start of trying to get some help and support as I feel we are getting to be in crises. My oldest son is alcohol dependant, he is 21, I would say this has been the case for 3 years. He has a good job and to most functions very well. He drinks every day, whatever he can g...
and again..........
My AH has been back in the house now almost two months. But I have no idea who this man is anymore. For a brief time when he first came back he made an honest effort to try to and stay sober ( a lot like a child after grounding them for a messy room and they attempt to keep it clean!) Of course it didn't last long. A...
Courage to Change 1/4/18
Going to start with the daily reminder --- Al-Anon gives me tools I can use to achieve many goals, including serenity, sanity, and detachment with love. And Al-Anon members who share their experience, strength, and hope show me how to put these tools to work in my life. The quote for the day --- from T...
Boundary help?
Hi all, We've had a lady on our property a couple years. She moved here to get away from her environment and get help. She was found unresponsive before she decided to get away from the area she was in. The conditions for her living here were to make recovery meetings of whatever she chose. (This was part...
I got this ..
This has now become an inside joke with some friends and I. It's now my new catch phrase. Something that made me laugh is talking to my gentleman fellow coffee groupie is exchanging stories at the moment about kids. Hearing the phrase "I got this" seems to have a similar effect on those of us with kids...
Am I in the wrong?
Hi, a while ago I asked my AH to leave and stay with his parents as me and my children didn't feel comfortable with him being there. Not only is he an alcoholic but also a cocaine addict. Things had become abusive and I didn't want my children in that atmosphere. AH has been to rehab and has been supposedly c...
Courage to Change January 3
Hello MIP, and Happy Wednesday! Today's reading in Courage to Change is about making little change each and every day. The author shares that they are writing their life story every single today, and asks "Am I moving in a positive direction?" The author knows that there is nothing we can do to chang...
End of relationship - closure
After months of hardly any contact and then avoiding me, living with someone else it looks like I might finally get some closure.
Iāve looked at my own behaviour a lot whilst Iāve been away from them. Iāve held back on my love a lot when theyāve started drinking. Pushed them away.
Thereās been too ma...
husband checked into rehab today
My husband is in rehab now... I can't contact him. Feeling strangely numb. Feeling sad. But also relieved. I feel safer and more comfortable in my home now.
6 days, no alcohol
6 days is such a short amount of time, but itās the longest I can remember AH not drinking. Way too soon to even consider that it might be the start of a new normal. Heās still acting oddly - thereās a wall between us, but this time itās a wall he put up, not one of my own making, not one I put up to try to shield mys...
Step one
Learn How The Twelve Steps Work.Participate in your own recovery as well as the recovery of others, by being active on this board as we go through the 12 Steps of recovery together! With the New Year, I am beginning to post a Step a month for this year. So in light of this Step one and has been posted...
Post Holiday Blues
We're doing out best to try to stay present now that things are winding down after Christmas. At least this year we didn't hear any bombshell news on the holiday. Every year seems to be pretty much the same. A visit from his kids and then limited communication, getting together until Father's day. They...
Sober can be scary too
The last two days have been hard. He hasnāt had a drop to drink in 4 days. The first two of that though were simply because he was recovering from a massive hangover + guilt. Weāve done that dance before. It was familiar and we both knew it was just a temporary reprieve. The last 2 though - starting when I tal...
Discuss with me 'Jeckyl and Hyde"
My partner and I got into a relatively big fight tonight. IMHO, we both were out of line, but I already know he won't own up to his part. Too many topics were covered but basically I was feeling neglected and like a third wheel because he has a friend visiting from out of town all week and I was ticked off al...
Hi Everyone, I am reaching out to anyone who suffers with severe anxiety. In the past 1.5 years I have had EXTREME anxiety but it is based on triggered memories from my alcoholic father (he passed away Feb of this year but it is was NOT a resolved situation= I have worked on forgiveness and letting go) a...
ODAT Reading 1-2-2018
The ODAT reading for January 2 suggest that we take time to look over the happenings of our lives as if we were examining someone else's life. The reading ask us take an objective view note how our thoughts and actions d appear to us, as we guard against self-justification . It suggests that we ...
About Guilt
I found this on another forum... it was taken from Mars & Venus; Starting Over by John Gray, Ph.D. The highlighted areas are points I found important. "Sometimes even when we are the ones who are the victims, we feel guilty for leaving. We may mistakenly feel sorry for our partners, when really the...
Lost my alcoholic husband this past spring.
Hey friends. I haven't posted in a while. In fact, I haven't gone to an al-anon meeting in a long time. I found that it wasn't for me, but I still reach this board when I need to remember that I am not the only one who has been through this. I hope it's ok that I still post. I am truly practicing the "Keep wh...
C2C, 1/1
Recovery is a process: The reading today speaks about how there are so many instant things in our society that we might expect recovery to be "instant" as well. However that is not so. It takes time & patience to heal, change , and trust. We need to stop expecting instant relief, and accept that...
My daughter
My daughter has a heroin problem,she went to rehab in the spring but because of private insurance she only stayed 12 days she was arrested in October for dui and possession of drugs and parifinala sorry can't spell it the next month arrested again went to her first court hearing the other day and found o...
update on our situation
Hi friends I am just so exhausted. My mum is here visiting. It's great to have an extra pair of hands around and not have to be working so closely with my AH in order to get stuff done or look after our son. On the other hand, my mum has been reminding me of a lot of things from my childhood that I don't like. She t...
Drunk Dads who come home Drunk
what do i do when my dad comes home drunk? I'm never sure anymore. I've tried ignoring it, avoiding it, confronting it, and pretending I don't notice it. It doesn't happen all the time but it happens frequently enough and sometimes it can be really bad. He drives home a lot. I can't always be sure how much...
My daughter
My daughter has a heroin problem,she went to rehab in the spring but because of private insurance she only stayed 12 days she was arrested in October for dui and possession of drugs and parifinala sorry can't spell it the next month arrested again went to her first court hearing the other day and found o...
Poem about grief and loss (Tis a fearful thing)
Tis a fearful thing to love what death can touch. A fearful thing to love, to hope, to dream, to be to be, And oh, to lose. A thing for fools, this, And a holy thing, a holy thing to love. For your life has lived in me, your laugh once lifted me, your word was gift to me. To remember this brings painful joy. Tis a h...
News, news and news ..
This is something I haven't openly shared a lot and I'm not sure how to, I have tried some support groups and let me tell you how that worked out .. LOL .. it's not Alanon. My daughter has informed me that she's choosing to transition into a man, and I'm trying to swallow a gay trans man .. let me explain. I h...
Thank you!
Thanks for being part - one of the best - of my year! I'm grateful for all your ESH, support and acceptance. May the next year bring more healing and hope to all!
Hope for Today Dec 31
Good morning Everyone- Todays reading is about the great relief many of us felt immediately when coming into the program. Some have described it like being washed up on the shore, or being lifted up after exhaustion , or like the writer- having a thirst quenched. For me, having the methodical side th...
Sunday Morning Meeting
An impromptu meeting is now going on in the chat room. Anyone wishing to join, the topic is "A spiritual experience brought on by nature. (or any other al-anon topic that you wish to share on)" the topic is taken from the CAL book" Having had a spiritual awakening".
Grieving the loss of my A this Christmas
Hi Friends, It is a while since I posted anything, but I feel the need to share this significant event. The sudden and unexpected death of my primary A, my father. We just had his funeral, so this is a tough Christmas for my family. There is a lot of sadness in me and I'm taking each hour at a time during this t...
Anyone else struggle with peace and quiet when the alcoholic is gone?
Hi everyone, I hope you all had a peaceful Christmas and I wish you all a happy new year. For anyone who's been reading my post, you will know that I split up with my alcoholic partner about 5 months ago and he died 3 months later. Christmas was hard as I was expecting, I kept it as simple as possible for mysel...
New and lost
I am new to Al-Anon and have been driven to seek outside support. My wife of 5 years has turned what once appeared to be just a party and enjoy life kind of behavior into something much beyond that. We have a son together, he turned 2 today and I work to support the family while she stays with him. I have ask...
I'm frustrated. I left home young, I was afraid I'd kill my mum, my dad was pretty absent, I said I'd probably hurt her if it didn't stop and it didn't so I left. A lot happens when you're young and you don't have anywhere stable to live. I'm living with my mum again now as an adult. I feel guilty even writin...
When They Blame You
After a holiday get together,some family members told me they will not be over to my house anymore because of my AH and AS.They are just too afraid of everything that could go wrong or happen while over.I respected their decision and honestly,I do understand why they feel that way,this house can be so c...
C2C Reading for 12-30-2017
The C2C reading for December 30 reminds us that the unpleasant things that people do have no power to destroy us or to ruin our day, unless we agree to permit it. The reading asks the question- do I allow myself to respond to the words of a sick person as if they were the ultimate truth?It suggests that s...
Feeling sad... was I a trigger
Iāve struggled over Christmas. I kept saying to myself leading up to it I was going to be fine but it didnāt quite work out that way. Iāve seen my ex Ah at work a couple of times Christmas week briefly. Sheās happy - looks it and has kept our conversation very brief. I hugged her when I finished Wednesday and...
Courage to Change (C2C) 12/29/17
Today's reading talks about bringing the focus back to self - as needed, often and/or always. The writer talks about times when everything the alcoholic does/did was irritating. Even things like pouring cereal was wrong in her mind. The reading shares that while it's important that we learn to r...
Courage to Change (C2C) 12/28/17
The reading today talks about how many of us are reluctant to get close to people as a result of living with alcoholism. We have learned it is not safe to trust or reveal too much or even to care too deeply. Yet we often wish we could experience closer, more loving relationships. Al-Anon suggests a gen...
When an addict pretends to be clean
Hi, I am new to this.. I have had no support and am now thinking I may need some. My AH who is also a cocaine addict came out of rehab 3 months ago, within a week he had relapsed. Since then he has been secretly drinking/taking drugs, well not that secretly because I am not blind or stupid. Everyone else he has...
New and Overwhelmed
Hi everyone. I tried to skim the guidelines for posts and everything, but honestly, my brain is spaghetti right now. Hopefully, I don't break any rules here with this word vomit. I just feel like I need some support right now. I'm an adult daughter of an A, and I'm honestly not sure if my dad is an active A....