My world is shattered: another typical story
Hi, I'm new here. My therapist had been recommending al anon for awhile, but now I'm ready. I will be attending my first meeting tomorrow night. Looking through all your stories, it really helps ease a fraction of the pain knowing that I'm not alone, and seeing so many similar stories to mine. I hav...
After hearing about my ex dying,I went numb for a while but now the feelings and the memories are flooding back,I cry every day,many times.I am waking up at night.I think about the way he died, alone, and I was right here.I was always here for him until things got so bad in my life and I had to let him go and no...
What does detaching with love look like in your life?
I'm stuck. I do ok, then I'm right back in the muck again! Checking myself is really helping me to own my stuff, but one thing that is really tripping me up is detaching with love. I am harboring tons of resentment. AH and I recently had yet another conversation where I poured out my heart to him and told him...
Definition for 9/8/15 – Denial
Denial is the shock absorber for the soul. It protects us until we are equipped to cope with reality. ~ C.S. Lewis Denial is a disbelief in the existence or reality in a thing. In Al-Anon, denial is when we hide how we feel, what we experience, and what we know. Even when good sense tells us something is w...
today, i feel confused. some days i feel strong and positive that i will do fine if i leave ah [after 25yrs] Today, things are mellow because ah is not drinking and trying to get some money/court things fixed. I think my decesion is a good one, then i think..oh i can deal with it being dull, but i know, he wil...
Tired of being the enabler...
It's been a week since I told him to leave; after 2 consecutive years. Our relationship started in 2010 and was rocky due to his drinking...he did make 'changes and adjustments' but never a full commitment to stop. He was drinking on the weekends which consisted of 6-9 on Fridays and Satudays and 6 Sund...
my alanon community
I was just telling my sponsor that I feel connected to a community of people, who are all trying to improve themselves, and all of them have connected to an HP of their understanding, and if I think about all the people in my F2F, on this board, others who belong to alanon, and all of them connecting to a hig...
Insanity is...
... doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. By this definition then my insanity comes and goes depending on how well Im working this programme. If im on my game going to meetings, sharing with my sponsor, meditating, in contact with my higher power, reading the books etc...
So...the job. Challenges are stressing me out but making me grow
I have bitten off a lot to chew on. The clients themselves are very challenges as most all are heroin addicts in the 20 to 26 age range and many don't want to really get sober. They want to get rent free living and either keep using or relapse with little consequence. They whine and complain even more th...
C2C 9-7
The C2C reading for September 7 talks about Tradition Seven, which states that" Every group should be fully self-supporting declining outside contributions". Anytime I review the Traditions I always look to see how they can be applied to my own life and circumstances outside the ro...
Didn't really think it would come to this
So last night, after a week long binge of 5+ beers, generally at least 10. I had had enough. We were talking cause he says I never talk to him, which is partially true, he's either drinking or we are running our kids all different places in opposite directions, and he said something and I just said I can'...
the funeral
Services are on Tuesday for my ex,I am asking for prayers,I am not doing well,I have never felt so much pain and grief in my life, and I am so angry at this disease.
relationships and friendships
As I go through my life. The only true friendships I have made are from people from the program. Just recently I have lost another friendship. They are not a part of alanon and don't understand why I go since I am divorced from my exAh. They lied to me yet again last night. Recently they have been lying abt w...
So today I found out it's not just alcohol
my A has apparently been smoking crack Too! He just dropped this bombshell on me today. I don't know how I could have been so blind as to not know. People even asked me if he had a drug problem and I said oh no he would never do that! I feel like such an idiot! I don't know why he told me this Now. It doesn't mak...
Well that was gently interesting...
On instruction from our marriage counsellor I've just done a list of things that I appreciate about my husband. I think that my expectation was that this was meant to make me feel better about him and I started the list thinking 'oh darn, why do I have to spend time rooting around for good stuff?' By the e...
AH is severely ill with his drinking and supposedly entering rehab soon. So my cousin called and sent some money and said to treat myself. I really realize now, after 1 1/2 yrs at ALANON that when i take my thoughts away from my AH, and put them on myself, I realized that I hadnt been addressing my panic/an...
C2C 9-6
The C2C reading for September 6 speaks about the slogan:":How important is it". The reading states that many of us obsess over something that might be irritating us in the moment , telling ourselves that this is a very important issue. .If we actually stopped and asked ourselves the qu...
Good Self-help books?
Hi Everyone, I'd like to pick up some inspirational self-help books about setting/maintaining boundaries with my alcoholic boyfriend, detaching with love, and to stop obsessing over his behaviors. What have you all read that you drew inspiration from? Is there particular Al-Anon literature...
Just want happiness
So today is the first time my AH and I have really talked for a couple weeks. He left on Wednesday night, came home Thursday, after telling me he loved me, the kids, and didn't want to leave. I actually told him to leave. Anyhow, I know he loves us but I told him I cold not live like this anymore. So today w...
C2C 9-5
The C2C reading for September 5 speaks about the seventh step in which we humbly ask HP to remove our shortcomings. The reading points out that many of us lists feelings as shortcomings and ask HP to lift our feelings of anger, fear and guilt, so we can look forward to a day of it would not have to feel this t...
Brand New Day ..
I'm soooo glad the week is over with .. LOL .. I'm good with never seeing last week again. I have felt very helpless with so many things that have been out of my control .. starting with a job .. having to deal with my mom who means well however if it wasn't for the kids I would rather be homeless. My sponsors...
preparing myself
I recently posted about my ex being found dead and today I am going to see his sister,we were close,she really liked me.I don't know all the details yet,but there may be a girlfriend involved so I want to decide if it would be appropriate to go to the funeral home or not,it doesn't seem real, I think I need s...
I kicked him out, but he won't leave. I don't know what to do
we are not legally married but we have been living together for 22 years. We bought a house together 1998. I paid the down payment but because at the time we were in love and were planning on getting married I gave him 20% ownership on the deed even though I didn't have to. That was dumb. Not only has he bitte...
She died today.
I posted a few weeks ago about my step mother who was suffering from end stage liver disease.
She died early this morning while the nurses were bathing her. She stopped breathing, and they did not attempt to resuscitate her due to a DNR order her next of kin had signed when all of this started.
I didn'...
How Do I Find Peace With It?
I am new here. I have been trying to find the courage to look for an online group for a very long time now. I grew up in an alcoholic home. My father found sobriety, which saved our family. My sister battled alcoholism and found AA, which has helped to save her own family. I married a man whom I love dear...
Finally posting here...
Hi everyone. Let me start off by saying: I am sorry if my post is breaking any message board rules in any way. Just about 7 hours ago my world kind of came crashing down (again) when my (recovering) ABF was discovered drinking again by one of our mutual friends. I didn't know where to turn, so here I am now. ...
Devestating news ..
My beautiful wonderful sponsor is battling some big health issues at the moment. She's been through so much and ironically takes such good care of herself that I'm totally blown away by all of this. Could you please lift her up in prayer .. she is such a warrior goddess that I just can see her beating th...
Step 4 posted to Step Board
Here is the linkhttp://stepwork.activeboard.com/t60818767/alanon-step-4-9-15/Learn How The Twelve Steps Work.Participate in your own recovery as well as the recovery of others, by being active on this board as we go through the 12 Steps of recovery together
For my health's sake, I can't take it anymore!
HI everyone! Well, it's fall and my life is crazy again with school, working two jobs, and trying to juggle everything. It's been a crazy August and I haven't been working on myself as much as I'm getting back into my busy mode. I am getting little or no help with my A, as has been the case, even though he...
My husbands ex wife...
Never did I feel I would be in this position but here we are... After a really nasty custody battle we have found out that my husbands ex wife has been on methadone for over a year and a half after we found her passed out in her car outside of my husbands work. There was no reasoning afterwards and since we ha...
From one addiction to another.
Hello everyone! I am the girlfriend to a sober alcoholic. He was sober for 5 years when we met, then relapsed a year into our relationship. He's now been sober since July 28, 2014 but last week I found out that he's also a sex addict. I was absolutely heartbroken. I'm feeling betrayed, sad, depress...
hanging in there...
I am still hanging in. Less than two weeks to go. I am still anxious a bit but I know it will be alright. I am so grateful for all of you & your support. A lot of people have been praying for me & I really appreciate it. Sometimes I want to scream or cry or whatever I am feeling at the moment. My emotions a...
Hoot Nanny
sadness and pain
I just received the news I have been dreading,My ex was found dead today.I am kind of in shock right now,not sure what I am feeling.They are taking him for an autopsy,possible overdose.Of course I feel overwhelming sadness right now,also, I am wondering if I did the right thing,questions,so many qu...
C2c 9-4
C2C reading the September 4 speaks about what happens when we begin to let go of our anger and worry and stop focusing on everyone but ourselves. The reading suggests that many of us find that we are in increasing calmness of mind and have a great deal of extra time.It also points out that we know how to...
C2C 9-2
The C2C reading for September 2 speaks about the first step. It points our that in the beginning we do a lot of thinking about the words,Admitting, Powerlessness and life being unmanageable .Later on we tend to do a lot of feelings about it as well. The feeling work can be described, mostly in one wo...
C2C 9-3
The C2C reading for September 3 speaks about coming into Al-Anon and finding that we have built a lifetime of dreams and promises reserved for a special day called:" Someday" . It points out that we tell ourselves that "someday", I'll call my friend that I lost touch with, &...
Feeling pretty low
I have been sick all day today at school but held it together until I got home and promptly threw-up. I have all the platitudes and sayings running in my head and I am trying but it just isn't helping today. I know from past experience this is only going to get worse before it can get any better and we aren't c...
Definition for 9/4/15 – Pain & Suffering
Pain comes and goes, suffering is something we hold on to ~ Al-anon "They say that pain is inevitable but suffering is optional. If I learn to accept that pain is part of life, I will be better able to endure the difficult times and then move on, leaving the pain behind me." (from Courage to...
Well .. hmm ..
I thought about it and I have recently tried to communicate with my XAH about the kids and it doesn't work .. he's to guilty, shame and angry and I'm to angry because talking to stupid just doesn't work for me. He is so out of it when it comes to benefits and so on he really has no idea what the kids are covered...
Told AH about al-anon
Well last night I mentioned carefully to my AH that I had started Al-Anon online. (he was sober) His question to me was why did you do that for? SMH..... My answer... Because I am the wife, the sister and the daughter of an alcoholic, I didn't cause it, I cannot change it, and I cannot cure it. I told him I nee...
Fast Update ..
HA HA .. as if anything with me is FAST .. NOT! I did not get the job that kind of sucked .. however it is what it is and I am praying that a new opportunity comes up. I just keep hanging in and trying to let the God of my understanding do what He needs to do. It's sooo not easy at times. The full moon and the test...
Establishing Boundaries with Your Parents (for your children)
Sorry in advance for the long post. My mother is an alcoholic and has been since I was in high school. I moved across the country from my parents after college and only visit them/they visit once a year. Every visit was riddled with anxiety and turmoil, before and during because I never knew if she would b...
Meaning what I say...
Hmmmm, well, payday is tomorrow. Just like last month, I told my wife while I was at work that I was scheduling payment on bills, etc. She hates this, because once I pay the bills, she has "no money" left to "live on" - whatever that means. It used to mean not enough money to go buy as m...
sense of entitlement
pulling my hair out here though not as much as 15 months ago when i began ALANON. I know we are supposed to give AH dignity etc but he gets such a sense of entitlement. He thinks it ok that he keeps me from sleeping and it ruins my heath but if he is sleeping off a wicked binge, everthing has to be quiet and anyth...
One of my favorite stories.
Dave's pigeon analogy reminded me of this analogy. The story has helped me over and over again on my journey. "There once was a woman who, upon coming home one late evening saw a snake laying in the snow. It looked frozen to death - but to her surprise it lifted it's head and smiled weakly. It sa...
True Confessions
I have an active A 35 yr old daughter,who has a history of illegal drug use and currently abuses prescription drus when she "needs" them for anxiety or whatever.
For the past few years, despite my telling her I do not want to hear about people's (her friends, people in the news, books or movi...
Definition for 9/2/15 - Willingness
Willingness is a readiness to change ones perception, the essence of all growth is a willingness to change for the better.The definition of perception, for me, is how I personally view, sense and experience my world. We all have tendencies, especially when scared, angry and resentful, to perceiv...
really don't know what to say...
Just thought I would post because I don't get a chance to often anymore. I am basically the same as I have been lately. I still struggle w/ my vision but in just two short weeks I will get my eye at least one, fixed hopefully permanently but chances are it won't last forever. I am kind of pessimistic when it c...
Hoot Nanny
Being still
I am trying to sit still and embrace my new life With All the changes In it. Accept what is and try to heal and grow at my own pace. God will heal me as long as i do my part. I keep trying to take baby steps outside of my comfort zone. Thank you all for your love and support during my difficult times. My Thinki...
Here I am...back again
I'm back after more than 6 months away (believing I had "graduated".)..had my tools and no longer needed the program. And here I am again...Someone in a meeting told me "No one graduates- you always need to come back." They were right. I'm going through a divorce with my AH. I ne...
Hope for today sept 1
good morning everyone! todays reading is about the importance of self-care. For many of us it is the last thing we do- truly put ourselves first. In fact, there is a sentence in the reading about how the writer would sometimes care for him/herself, but somehow still keep the focus on others! That reso...
How do you stop hating??
My husband of 36 years has relapsed after 10 years of sobriety. He lost his coal mining job last year around this time due to failing a drug test. He had smoked a joint after a softball game and as luck would have it he was tested the next day. I have been caring for my Mother who is in a nursing home for Alzheim...
New and reaching out
Hi all, I'm glad to have found this message board tonight, for I am at my wit's end. My boyfriend is an alcoholic who recently became a non-functional one. We've only been together for two years, much of which he's been drunk during, and the weight of all the chaos is coming down hard right now. This be...
Change is in the air....update on me
Whenever there is change I get a bit stressed. My oldest is starting her high school senior year tomorrow and my baby is starting second grade, I am starting my last semester of nursing school which will be the hardest and longest semester yet. I know to take this one day at a time and no matter what I will b...
Definition for 9/1/15 - Insanity
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results ~ Albert Einstein I read that basically insanity is, your mind writing checks that your body cant cash (Growing Yourself Back Up: Understanding Emotional Regression ~ John Lee), interesting way at looking at the...
Old Slogans
Are there any "old slogans" that everyone is grateful to let go of? Here's a few of mine: An eye for an eye Fight fire with fire (although there may be a time and place, perhaps) And the one that I found to be one of the most damaging slogans in my life: If you can't beat em, join em.
We've been having a bit of a run of crappy luck lately, daughter and I, I'm kind of in 'batten down the hatches" mode. Daughter expressed to me the other day that she feels she and I "never get a break" and I hadn't realised she felt that way. Sad face. Anyway I ended up stacking and rolling...
Definition for 8/31/15 - Responsible
Responsible = I want to be able to respond, not react. We are ultimately responsible for how we perceive and react to what we are exposed to and hear. If we react too quickly, then we sometimes end up saying and/or doing things in response, that we are sorry for later. You know, that feeling that duri...
Separated but still controlled??
My ah and I are separated and I think I screwed up somewhere and need some advise. I kicked him out bc he was drinking again and I just couldn't live with it anymore. Well when I kicked him out he took his paycheck with him and I am stuck with everything the house mortgage the dogs the kid everything. Well he i...
ODAT 8-30 Making Important Decisions: What AlAnon Recommends...
Today's page acknowledges that family situations can get to the point where we are maxed out, done, ready to catch the first wagon train heading anywhere. There are times when we must act, particularly if safety is an issue (C2C p. 73). Outside of these extreme cases, however, AlAnon suggests that we...